Home » Pandan Juice Extract
Homemade pandan juice in jar with pandan leaves

Pandan Juice Extract

I love desserts and drinks with anything pandan flavored. However, pandan extracts that are sold out there either taste very artificial or have a bunch of ingredients except for pandan…and I do not go for that lifestyle. Pandan juice is not only easy to make but it’s also the real deal!

You can use pandan juice in my delicious pandan crème brûlée, pandan chiffon cake or any desserts you can find that require pandan juice. You can also use it for a refreshing and tasty summer boba drink: add some coconut milk, pandan juice, brown sugar and boba et voilà!


Tasting your juice: Unfortunately, sometimes the pandan leaves you buy at the grocery store can be close to stale or you left them too long in the fridge. However, you will not know until you’ve taste it as the leaves may appear normal. Pandan juice coming from stale leaves will taste extremely bitter so I strongly recommend you taste the juice before using it in any of your recipes…trust me, I learned it the hard way!

Storing the juice: Pandan juice can be store in the refrigerator up to a week or in the freezer for three months.

Pandan juice in jar with leaves and cheese cloth

Pandan Juice

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Course: Dessert, Juice, Snack
Cuisine: Asian, Thai, Vietnamese
Author: Justine De Monteiro


  • Blender
  • Cheese cloth


  • 4 oz or 120 g fresh or frozen pandan leaves
  • 2 cups water


  • Rinse pandan leaves and dry well.
  • Cut into 1 inch wide pieces and add them to a blender. Add water and Pulse on medium-high for about 30 seconds or until the leaves are pulverized.
    Blending pandan leaves
  • With a cheesecloth, strain the juice out and discard the leaves.
    Straining pandan juice with a cheesecloth
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